With all that's been blaring at us over recent years, it's hard to understand that your life isn't ultimately controlled by people, circumstances, or outside events – • That you have the power to choose • That you have the inner power to create • That you can discover how to work on the powerful level of spiritual manifestation to change your life and make it better _______ Apple Back Story In January, 1984, Apple jolted Super Bowl TV audiences with it’s infamous "Big Brother" commercial introducing the Macintosh computer. Unlike the product’s revolutionary user-friendly demeanor, the Ridley Scott-directed [Blade Runner et al] commercial featured zombified masses mindlessly marching in gulag pajamas (some interestingly with masks) into an equally gulag theatre. They’re under the hypnotic spell of a sinister leader giving a world domination speech, a play on George Orwell’s iconic book, 1984. The frame shifts to a fiercely determined athletic woman running down the center aisle to forcefully careen a sledgehammer into the screen shattering it to bits. Game Over. The commercial ends with words scrolling up the screen about the latest Mac computer with the final words, “And you’ll see why 1984 won’t be like 1984." A still from the iconic commercial introducing the Macintosh computer _______ Fast Forward: From 1984 to 2022 As biographer Walter Isaacson states in his book about Apple co-founder, Steve Jobs: “Many young people, especially those in the counterculture, had viewed computers as instruments that could be used by Orwellian governments and giant corporations to sap individuality. But by the end of the 1970’s, they were also being seen as potential tools for personal empowerment.” ___ As I was reading the book, I thought how timely the concept of that commercial is thirty-eight years later. Stating the obvious, not for tech (although the retro photo is fun) – but the current need to lift oneself outside the dark shroud that’s been netted over the world. _______ Personal Back Story In December, 2010, I was emerging from a period of multiple excruciating losses that had started five years before. I felt raw and vulnerable. As a result, I'd been in the emotional version of lockdown. On that night, with the intention of taking a step forward in "normalizing" what had become my world, I cautiously agreed to a casual dinner with a friend and his friends (whom I'd never met) at a cozy pine log restaurant in the woods. Blindsided in that idyllic setting, I was subjected to interrogation-like questions from the female "friend" that were delivered like a barrage of metaphorical bullets. On the stonily silent ride home on that frigid moonlit night I could feel my former fire beginning to reignite. As I'd been doing deep soul searching about what to do next with my life, the kind that only comes when your inner landscapes have been earthquaked, that bizarre night was the spark that set into motion what would eventually become the Your Divine Riches Life Empowerment self-discovery program and book.
_______ The Decision That Defined A Decade With a deep breath in, the idea was to take everything I'd discovered over years of spiritual, metaphysical, and personal development research, exploration and work, fill in the missing blanks and distill profound knowledge into a framework to help not only myself but you too, empower yourself to change your life for the better. There have been bits and pieces of the secrets of how to do this out there since time began. However, finding a simple yet thorough formula or system for how manifestation works, how to manifest something you want, and applying it to everyday life was not something easily found. A year-and-a-half later, with the help of whiteboards, markers, and reams of printer paper, the book Your Divine Riches – Your How To Guide For Creating The Life You Want, was finished as a powerful self-help tool to bridge that gap. After a brief time on the market, the book was withdrawn because I was in the process of expanding and folding it into an entire Life Empowerment self-discovery program. It didn't exactly take the route I'd anticipated. That's for another story. The original book sat silent in my files as I continued to develop and test the program. In 2021, I kept getting inner nudges to update and re-release the book as a stand-alone because it's needed now more than ever. I've learned not to argue with intuition. At the whiteboard in 2011. Simplifying knowledge to answer the spiritual version of the question how does manifestation work scientifically was just plain hard work. _______ Analogy: Personal Power and Your Device Battery It's very easy to get caught up in the web of your everyday life circumstances and events. What most of us don't realize is that you don't have to be "at the effect" of what goes on in the outside world. You've may have heard the idea that you don't control anything, only how you handle something. Going a step further, taking steps to change your life or create something you want in your everyday life, without first working within yourself, hinders your ability to experience what it is you want to have in your outside world. That's where spiritual manifestation comes in. It's harnessing the power of your inner self, your divine riches, to change your life, to create what you want to experience. Here's another analogy:
The events of the past few years have catapulted the world into a state of sweeping uncertainty. It's providing an opportunity for you to think on a new level with a "new battery" because the status quo has gone the way of that early Mac computer shown in the picture above. Spiritual manifestation knowledge, sincerely applied with constructive intent, will save you a lifetime of frustration and time by helping you empower yourself to understand the underpinnings of how life works so you can stop wasting your time and energy by trying to work off an iffy battery when you can have full power capacity. Here's an excerpt from the Your Divine Riches book Preface: "You may have experienced difficult changes in recent years. What once gave you or your loved ones a sense of security may no longer be. While challenging, it’s a sign of the miraculous changes taking place in consciousness. It’s about a stripping away of what no longer serves you. As what no longer serves you falls away, your true Self emerges. A heart-centered way of living and being is now unfolding. This authenticity is your divinity being revealed. If you’re receptive, many doors of awareness will open, one being that you have the ability to claim the life you choose to have . . . . . . As you integrate the knowledge presented in Your Divine Riches and see results in your own life, you’re lifting not only yourself, but also others into a new realm of freedom." Whether you want to discover how to manifest success in your personal or work life – however you define it – this simple step-by-step system will empower your to create a better, more fulfilling life regardless of what's going on in the world. A reader from Nevada said the following: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "As a senior with over 80 years behind me I found this book to be something I would have loved to have read 65 years ago. I was a CEO of many companies and a teacher of metaphysics and positive thinking. Catherine Lenard has made it easy to move forward quickly in life to create what you desire. Whether a beginner or advanced student of life this book is for you. Regardless of your age, this book, Your Divine Riches, will do wonders to increase you abilities to create what ever it is you desire. I am giving copies to my grand kids." Steven M. _______ Taking Charge of Your Life We've all been affected at one time or another by the physical world and its rollercoaster events. We've all been self-prisoners within our own minds. Like the person in that commercial, are you ready to say, "Enough – Game Over," grab this tool and break through to claim your personal and spiritual power to manifest what you want? And You’ll See Why Your 2022, 23, or 24 Doesn't Have to be Like 1984! To Your Happiness and Fulfillment,🔆 #Success, #Inspiration, #SelfCare, #Motivation, #Positivity, #Entrepreneur, #EntrepreneurLife, #LifeCoach, #BusinessCoach, #SmallBusiness, #Money, #Apple, #PowerToChangeMyLife,
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November 2023